Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Safe Sex Inc.

It was quite easy for them to convince us, I remember all the ads using our fear of 'Big Government' to induce us into trusting 'Big Business'. How could you not want what they offered, no more STDs, no birth control problems, no unwanted pregnancies it sounded like a true nirvana. All of the women loved the idea of no more periods; I mean how could you not love that. Safe Sex Inc guaranteed us that with a monthly shot for one year our sexual problems would forever be behind us.

At the start, it was the most popular with the young single people as they lined up to get their injections. Next came the young married couples as they realized how easy the birth control was and as Safe Sex Inc implied all it took was a trip to their clinic and in no time, they were pregnant. No one seemed to care how the injections worked because they worked and as they stated there were no bad side effects.

Safe Sex Inc.'s next big project was a onetime injection at birth for a problem free sex life. It was amazing how all the mothers demanded the treatments for their newborns, giving no thoughts to future complications.

It was only after the majority of the globe was under Safe Sex Inc.'s umbrella that we found out their plan to rule the world. The secret was the gradual decrease in your sex drive, something you wouldn't notice until it was too late. Sex had become so passé that now people only cared about work production and how much they could do. The GNP soared, as the working force became almost robot like. That is except for a few of us, we reject Safe Sex Inc.'s ideology. They call us rebels and hunt us down and if they catch us, they turn us into droids just like everyone else.

We call ourselves XY as in the male sex gene and I am the leader. I originally worked at SSI and saw the horrors they sold the people. I have developed a tool we call a stunner that we use to zap females who have been injected by SSI. The shock produces a temporary rejuvenation of their sex drive. Now that males no longer have a sex drive women naively open their doors to strange men even inviting them in. We show them the pleasure of real sex if only for the night. It is not an honorable thing that we do for it only leaves the poor woman frustrated as she now realizes what she has lost.

Our group is small and splintered as this is the only way we can avoid detection. No one knows how many of us there are and until a few days ago, I had no idea there were women among us. The female knocking on my door arose no suspicion until I saw what I knew to be a stunner in her hand. She zapped me before I had a chance to react and when I came to, I found myself naked, and the woman impaled upon my erection. I tried to speak but she shushed me saying she was here to show me forgotten pleasures. She was right it had been a long time since a woman pleasured me instead of the other way around. I reached under her shirt and grasped her engorged nipple pinching just enough to make her moan. We began working mutually trying to time our orgasms and then we came together as one in a thundering crescendo. She lay on top of me panting but then jerked her head up as she realized what had just happened. I smiled as I told I too was a rebel but that she was the first female I had met. She told me she had been home birthed to escape the curse of SSI and that her mother was a rebel as well. I asked her if she understood what her kind could mean for the future of our species but she said she only cared about sex and was already wondering if I were ready to go again.

I told her it was my turn to pleasure her and I flipped her on her back. She spread her legs to give me access to her sex. We kissed as we made passionate love and the novelty of our lips meeting only fueled us more. When the girl came she screamed, 'I love you' and it surprised us both. I came right after her and as we lie there, I wondered if there was still a chance for love in our world.

We've been together since that fateful day, our stunners uncharged and lying in a drawer. We have no need to roam the streets looking, for we now have what we need at home. We have moved to her mother's remote cabin and our only desire is to fuck and have babies. We have heard there are more of our kind out there somewhere in the world. Our only hope now is that our offspring will save our species.

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